Fix as we go

 I had two outfits this week that I loved... in theory. In practice I liked how they looked, but how they worked in a day -to-day setting, well, the needed some work. Fortunately, neither was was so bad a few office supplies couldn't fix!

I love this sheath dress. It's the best purchase I've ever made. I love how adaptable it is. This outfit isn't that different from how I've worn it before, but I thought the addition of the patterned tights with the boots worked really well. It must have worked well - one person who I feel isn't warming up to me as quickly as I like at work gushed over it.

The downfall? I went to remove a paper jam from the copier, and caught the tights on my boots and ripped a giant hole in them. I could have cried - I love these tights! Since the gaping hole was above my hemline, I didn't need to quickly strip off the tights in the washroom. I just needed to make sure they lasted the rest of the day without the hole growing any larger. My solution? Our envelope adhesive! On average, I send out about 20 envelopes a day. Licking is not going to happen. And those "just add water" sticks? They never work. These are a combination of glue and water, perfect for a strong seal (always necessary when you are sealing transcripts!). Of course, they are perfect for sealing holes in tights too!

I pinned an outfit like this from one of Taylor's boards. I felt pretty confident in it, despite the fact that a man at the bus stop commented it wasn't my usual look, it was certainly "different". Of course, he also told me I'd hate my job and it would be a long haul to retirement if I stayed there. I now assume the opposite of whatever he says (one month in and I still love my job to pieces). And it did give me an excuse to wear the necklace my parents brought me back from their recent trip to Maryland/DC/Virginia

What didn't work? These shoes just don't fit right. I had blisters by noon, even with wearing my nude fishnets. I knew they'd start bleeding soon enough, so I stuffed kleenex in the toe, and managed to make it through the day.

And the stapler? I don't know. I just thought a third thing looked good!


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