Downtown Adventures

I've been spending a lot of time downtown, so this week is devoted to some of the sites I've seen

View from the balcony at the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre's production if God of Carnage

The fountain at Portage Place that used to fascinate me as a child (it will periodically shoot sky high).

Cool kids read graphic novels. This sign says so (University of Winnipeg Bookstore)

Oh, and this is the University of Winnipeg castle (or, more formally known as Wesley Hall. I think. I could be wrong)

I love the elevators at The Bay, because they're so old. Of course, I don't trust them enough to use them.

Oh, and The Bay has a canoe in it. Cuz it's awesome.

Remember the other week when I showed you a picture of this building? Good thing I took that when I did:


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