Doing Good Business When I Was a Kid

It's happening. I am becoming one of those people who looks back in time with fondness and wishes we still did things certain ways. I'm not saying I'm not open minded and willing to change with the times. No, I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying is that we are losing sight of some of the things that make for strong business relationships and great customer experiences.

When I was a kid...

If you placed a call to someone and left a message, they called you back, usually the same day. Today, I am lucky if I get a call back at all. We seem to be playing a game of professional hide and seek. The important point here is that business can only be conducted through good communication, productive conversations, and mutual agreement. When we don't connect, the business process gets stalled and frustration sets in.

When I was a kid...

People made eye contact. They sat in meetings paying attention and looking each other in the eye. Eye contact and the trust it establishes is crucial in completing successful contract negotiations, closing sales deals, interviewing for a job, and being a credible member of your work team. Today, we find professionals slouched in their chairs, eyes downcast and focused on whatever electronic device they happen to be "plugged" into. Business is about trust and, as humans, we establish this on a very basic level with our ability to make and maintain eye contact and our use of body language.

When I was a kid...

People cared about their appearance. It was a sign that they respected themselves. I know that corporate casual is in vogue and I am not saying that I need my business meetings to be black tie affairs but at least be clean and neat with an appearance that says you care. Your grooming habits, the condition of your clothing, and your use of jewelry and accessories send messages about who you are and how you do business. Make sure the message you are sending is an accurate one.

Do you ever wish we did things the way we used to? If you could turn back the clock, what business behaviors would you bring back that seem to be missing today? Are there old-fashion ways of doing business that you might want to consider bringing back into the workplace? These old ideas must just help you find some brand new customers!

Angela V. Megasko is the President and founder of Market Viewpoint, LLC, a market research firm specializing in professional mystery shopping. Her organization has been helping clients see their operations through the eyes of the customer since 1996. Angela has helped clients in all industries increase their profitability through the power of customer retention. She believes so strongly in the idea that our clients can make us profitable that she recommends having a solid customer service plan as a part of your firm's overall Marketing Plan.


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