Setting a Schedule / Curating my Closet

Starting a new job means having the opportunity to start new routines. It's much needed in my household - we (rather I) have become a little more slovenly and lazy around here these last few weeks.

I have three goals:
1. Keep the apartment a little more organized
2. Do my share of the cooking
3. Resume the Couch to 5K routine (cold weather has side lined it)

Add to that the usual weekly duties (grocery shopping, blogging, date night) and I've decided to devote a chore to each day

Sunday: Blog writing
Monday: Running
Tuesday: Groceries (& cooking)
Wednesday: Running
Thursday: Laundry (& cooking)
Friday: Running & Date night
Saturday: Cleaning (& cooking)

Here's hoping it's evenly spread, so I'm not spread too thin!

Blue Plaid Shirt

Why did I buy it?
I didn't - I swapped it from a friend. 

Why did it work? It's one of a few print shirts in my closet, and I enjoyed the blue with the pink in it. 

Why didn't it work? It's a little short, informal, and I got a little bored with it. 

How did I wear it?

What will happen to it? I've heard rumour of a Winnipeg clothing swap... maybe it will go there!

And just an update - while it's all good of me to take these "curating my closet" items out of rotation, I should announce that I finally took them out of my apartment. A full garbage bag of clothing (including some of Scott's) was dropped off at the thrift store this last weekend!


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